We invite you to bring your brand to an audience of library lovers while helping us fulfill our mission to inspire the joy of reading.
In addition to the sponsorships below, we are happy to curate an opportunity just for you. Commitments must be received no later than May 1, 2024.
In addition to the levels below, our team would be happy to curate partnership opportunities.
Recognition at areas such as
Recognition at areas such as
Unlimited opportunities
Unlimited opportunities
Cause Marketing
You can help leverage your brand for good and give back to the library. Let’s sell some bibliotheca beer or collection coffee or periodical pizza! We don’t want to “overdue” it, but let’s start a new “chapter” together and “check out” all that’s possible. Sorry, sometimes we have no “shelf” control. Examples of partnerships might include:
Festival Exhibitor
We have opportunities for promotion, sales and marketing, with booth spaces for publishers, community organizations, publishing services, book sellers and retailers offering gifts and products for readers. We offer table space for indie authors and creators as well. Exhibit space is 10×10’ tent and must be tied to reading. Prices are:
Diane Haskamp | Development Manager
Columbus Metropolitan Library Foundation
Email: dhaskamp@columbuslibrary.org
Phone: 614-849-1051
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Columbus Metropolitan Library
96 S. Grant Ave., Columbus, OH 43215 | 614-645-2275
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